Fake goods received, reported to Ebay who removed it but have left me chasing for the refund myself

The Jelly Cat I ordered and recieved turned out to be fake, I reported it to Ebay, who promptly removed the item. I requested a refund, but the seller is only offering me £7 our of the £24 paid, and says I will only get this if I delete my negative post, and if I want to return it I will need to pay the postage back to China. I have tried and tried to find a way to contact Ebay on this, but I am going round in an endless loop of automated answers and can't find any option to even directly message them, help please

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Fake goods received, reported to Ebay who removed it but have left me chasing for the refund myself

Experienced Mentor

open a not as described case and after 3 days escalate it to eBay for a full refund -



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