The most outrageous buyer request

Today I received a message that was a potential buyer wanting a try before buy. I got a sob story that she's had a tumour behind her ear and had only started wearing earrings again. Massive red flag because she was really interested in a pair of earrings I was selling but wanted to try before she bought to check they did aggravate her scar tissue. WTH. Not only that she suggested meeting so she could try them on.

I responded that I don't meet buyers for my own safety and no I didn't do try before buy. I suggested she wear earrings for longer to see if they caused problems. No way was I going to a) post them without payment but I knew it would be a INAD case or b) meet her in person with who knows who lurking to beat me up and steal the earrings.

Immediately blocked, reported to ebay by e-mail as this is the most outrageous request I've ever had and clearly a scam plus abuse of eBay's policies. Am posting here to warn people but hopefully eBay will remove her pronto.

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