What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date?

For context, item was never scanned and presumed missing, but suddenly started tracking today. Buyer opened a case that "needs resolving by March 13th" but frustratingly, the item seems to now be arriving 13th-15th. I've kept the buyer informed throughout and he is understanding, but I just don't understand what's best in terms of eBay and my potential for defects affecting my account? It is a £50 item, so not something I can easily write off, and if it arrives 13th-15th will not receive any compensation from RoyalMail for it being "missing".


Q: What's the correct protocol here? Do I let it spill over into a 'not resolved' defect and then appeal it afterwards? If not, what else should I do?


I have proof I posted it immediately, and even upgraded the postage to a faster service. I previously had one of these defects though, and really struggled to get rid of it, even though I was in the right.

Q2: Additionally, when it says it "needs resolving by March 13th" does that technically mean the 12th? Or do I have until midnight on the night of March 13th for things to be resolved? Is this when the buyer needs to click 'close request' on it or when the item needs to have arrived? What X actually needs to be done by X?


Thanks for any advice!


Message 1 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

13th means midnight on the 13th.


The buyer should close the case when the item arrives - they have a window - I believe its 30 days - before the case times out for them.


It shouldn't escalate unless the buyer escalates.


So you could just to sit and wait, if you have confidence in the buyer.


Don't let the item escalate and get a defect - better to refund if buyer insists or seems likely to escalate, or if your nerves fail you.  You can correspond with the buyer and give them your details of a means (paypal or bank acct for instance)  for a paying back of the refund, after the item has arrived.


I find in the rare event we refund and the item turns up, buyers are more than willing to repay the refund.


I'd engage with the buyer and let them know the options


that they can either hold and wait for the item to turn up - or you can refund now and they can refund the refund through paypal.  Point out that they should not use friends and family, and state that you will be happy for them to deduct the charge for refunding from the refund.  Put the cack handed way of dealing with this as eBay's clanky ways, puts you on the same side!


Or, they can hold and watch the tracking - keep them up to date by checking the tracking frequently yourself.


Making it their choice is always a good idea.


Any discussions about means to repay MUST be messaged through the item listing.


By all means, contact eBay and check that they agree with what I have written, either way ask for a reference number from them!  


Hope that helps!



Message 2 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date


As already advised, it will only result in a defect if the buyer decides to  escalate and eBay finds in their favour.  

The buyer will be given the option to escalate from midnight on the 13th but they actually have 21 days from the date they originally reported the item as not received in which to do so, so it really depends on how much confidence you have in the buyer.


Also, if the buyer does escalate to eBay straight away and the tracking is showing as still in transit, with an expected delivery date that has not yet arrived, then eBay will often place the case on hold to allow for more time and extend the date that you need to resolve by. 

Message 3 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

Yeah good post. Usually if there is new tracking showing within the last 10 days they will put a hold on it for you. Just communicate with the buyer and dont worry too much about it. 

Message 4 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

To add to what Magpie said, whilst I always try and be polite, sometimes if I have qualms about a buyer hoping for a freebie,I try and give them a bit of a prod to do the right thing. Something like:


"Hi again. I hope you can see that the tracking shows the item will arrive between 13th-15th. Please don't escalate the case before being in touch with me, as if you are refunded and then the item arrives, I would have to seek redress through ebay and it could affect your account adversely.  You have 21 days to claim a refund if the item doesn't show up. So please don't worry. Sorry again for the delay and thanks again for your patience. Best wishes, x"

Message 5 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

Threatening the buyer that their account could be adversely affected is crazy. Not the best way to keep the buyer on side. Asking the buyer to hold off escalating a case is OK, and if the buyer sees it is likely to arrive, they may well co-operate, but probably not if they feel being put under pressure.

Message 6 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

@1902elder wrote:

Threatening the buyer that their account could be adversely affected is crazy. Not the best way to keep the buyer on side. Asking the buyer to hold off escalating a case is OK, and if the buyer sees it is likely to arrive, they may well co-operate, but probably not if they feel being put under pressure.

Maybe I have expressed myself poorly. I completely agree it should be as a last resort and as politely/obliquely as possible . Like I say, on the whole, I agree with Magpie's post. But some buyers seem to think late deliveries and SNAD returns are covered by ebay and a late delivery is a chance of a freebie with no one getting hurt.


I guess what I mean is make it clear that you as a seller are having to fund the refund, and if the item arrives after buyer has escalated and been refunded, you will have to seek redress - first by requesting payment from the buyer (which ebay will make you do, but doesn't make the process easy for you! as there is no option to reinvoice) and if that doesn't work by an approach to ebay. When you will have to prove that the buyer has refused to engage with you if you want ebay to refund you as a goodwill gesture (which they will, sometimes, if they've seen you  have done all you can and that will be marked on the buyer's account). 


I hope this makes more sense. 

Message 7 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

I think it's just your use of the phrase "seek redress" which makes it sound rather OTT. If the seller wrote to me on these terms I would escalate the case at the earliest opportunity.


I don't see any point in introducing potential conflict at the moment. The buyer is entitled to be concerned - his item is considerably overdue now (it must be if the case could be escalated today). However, there's been no suggestion that he is being anything other than reasonable so far, so I wouldn't do anything which might change his mood.

Message 8 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

Not really. If a case is resolved in favour of the buyer, if the item is then delivered it is entirely  up to the seller to negotiate with the buyer about returning the refund. Ebay will NOT get involved. If the buyer refuses, then nothing you can do, and I would very much doubt Ebay would refund you.

Message 9 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

I agree, do not start potential conflict if the buyer is being reasonable. I was merely trying to round out the discussion, give a varied perspective, for all readers who might have similar issues with slightly different buyers. 


And for readers who find themselves in this situation, I was speaking from experience. I have been in exactly this situation, done exactly what I said, and ebay did get involved, and did give me a goodwill gesture refund; which is why I bothered to post in the first place.


Take it or leave it. Just food for thought.

Message 10 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

Just to update the thread; I spoke to eBay support and they just told me to ride it out and that I would get an opportunity to 'ask ebay to step in' after the deadline on the 13th. In my situation, the card arrived on the 13th just in time and I just asked the buyer to resolve the request. As an aside, I gave him £5 refund and a token 10% off voucher for the hassle, even though it was entirely Royal Mails fault. Also worth mentioning someone else advised clicking 'update tracking number' EVEN IF IT IS UNCHANGED, as this changes somthing in eBay's system to avoid you 'not taking any action'. Not sure if this is correct, but I did this just incase.

Message 11 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

I see nothing wrong with the message you posted. I have a template that is very close to that. Most buyers are just happy that you are on the ball and communicating with them. 

Message 12 of 13
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Re: What's the protocol for an open buyer request when the item will arrive but miss resolution date

10% voucher is always a good one. Repeat business and an apology all rolled in to one. Super job! 

Message 13 of 13
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