19-02-2025 10:26 AM
Since switching to BUSINESS my listings are still applying buyer protection fee prices?
Take a look at the screenshot below;
Top = Old listing
Bottom = Manually Ended & Re-Listed item since switching to Business account
... weirdly the old one advertised buyer protection but the new one doesn't, even though it's adding the price
Q: Anyone else had a similar experience or know how to fix/resolve?
Solved! Go to Solution.
19-02-2025 12:01 PM
Fingers crossed. Mad I was told to re-list everything if it starts to resolve!
19-02-2025 12:13 PM
yes must be another glitch in the role out of this fee
Get into the habit of sell similar it updates the algorithm and make your listings easier to see. every 3 months according to ebay.
Forget sales data and watchers nice but not essential for the sale.
You can sell similar all your listing in one go by ending them all then sell similar the lot
Select listing tab in seller hub, this brings up the manage active listings page then select a few or all your listings then end them, the select ended listings tab in the left hand column this should bring up all this listings you've just ended, hight them and select sell similar.
This if you selected more than one will bring up the bulked editor tool.
should be easy from there.
Remember to delete your old listing makes it easier for next time you need to repeat the process
19-02-2025 12:17 PM
How does ending and selling similar the item update the algorithm? Do we have any real world data and precise examples or is it just anecdotal?
I'd be interested in learning more but right now I prefer having things like '83 sold', 'People Want this, 11 people are watching this' and 'This one's trending. 83 have already sold' highlighted on the listing details. Along with promoting the listing I find the reassurance mixed with some promotion are good?
19-02-2025 6:24 PM
UPDATE: As per @game_raid 's suggestion - I do think this issue directly correlates to 'No Returns' ... and instances where listings haven't been able to have their returns policy updates due to them being 'locked' from having pending offers or recent sales. Some of my items have updated, but some still have the false 'buyer protection fee' on them ~9hrs later. I'll have to leave it ~48hrs to try to get all the listings on 'Accepts Returns' policies to confirm. Madness that the returns policy gets locked too, or you aren't FORCED to change this when you become a business seller; as it looks like it has massive knock on effects with live listings.
19-02-2025 6:51 PM - edited 19-02-2025 6:55 PM
It all depends when your last sale was, if you have sold 83 and not had a sale for 6 months then the listed is pretty much dead, you could change price, add to the the title etc and this will refresh it so it gets crawled again but after that amount of time without a sale means it's no longer in demand and the algorithm will stop pushing higher in the search because it's not selling.
If you're selling a couple a day or every few days then leave it, it will still have some weight behind it due to demand and will have more chance of getting sales than a brand new listing.
Cassini, eBay's algorithm has a sales rank amongst other things, the more sales a listing gets the lower the sales rank which will pushes the listing higher in the search over listings that don't get sales, it makes sense for them to do this as it knows buyers want that item and pretty much guarantees a sale, as soon as the sales stop which could be many reason such as it's lost its trend such as a new release of the item has taken it's place the listing will start to drop down through the pages and pushes listings that do get sales in its place.
This is why they always advise to try and stay in stock on your best selling items, when you run out the sales rank starts to get bigger the longer you're OOS and then you lose positions in the search which you have to build again by getting sales when you restock to lower the sales rank again.
19-02-2025 7:46 PM
@game_raid You've been so helpful thanks ... curious if you know if there's a way to view 'sales in X months' or something similar on your listings. In SellerHub > Listings I can easily sort by 'sold' but not filter by 'only sold in 30 days' etc.
25-02-2025 2:48 PM
Can I ask what you did to make the Buyer Protection fee disappear?
All of my listings that were already up still have it after switching to a business account.
I have tried going in and adding the returns policy to a few but it has made no difference.
It has been a few days now.
25-02-2025 3:03 PM - edited 25-02-2025 3:04 PM
(i) Create a new business policy which accepts '30 days returns - Buyer pays'
(ii) Then go in and edit all your listings and select this new policy
NB: Items with offers on may be locked, and you can't make changes, you'll have to wait for them to unlock
It doesn't happen instantly, but the price changed within hours for me. I think you can go onto a new browser and add it to basket to see if the checkout price reflects the change.
Throughout all of this, I would say your best bet is to also ring eBay customer support and make sure it's logged as an issue, otherwise they won't investigate/fix it. The more people the merrier.
You may also be effected by some other private > business bugs, which I would recommend talking to support about:
(2) Private sellers being prioritised over business in 'lowest price' sorting:
(3) 10p per order fees in collectables not being applied:
26-02-2025 12:53 PM
buyer protection fee
It should be called yet another money making scheme from eBay.
Private sellers - the Buyer pays a fee.
Buisness sellers - the Seller pays the fee.
How is that fair on businesses ?
03-03-2025 6:26 PM
Changing or editing the returns policy seems ot have worked for me on over 800 items. Used the Edit feature on active listing, selected all and then selected Bulk edit, scroll down of items to edit and pick return options. I Selected both Domestic and International. Saved and then Submitted. It brought up a few other errors that needed to be dealt too. Dealt with these and then started checking if anything had changed after about 30 minutes it looks like everything has had Buyer protection amount removed. Great help game_raid - thanks
09-03-2025 6:05 PM
Thank you! That seems to have resolved issue on listings I have done since upgrading to a business account. The issue I antill have is that all the listings I already had in my shop before the upgrade are still showing and charging the buyers fee to customers.
Is there anyway to remove the fee from those listings?
thank you
09-03-2025 6:09 PM
We have found that manually revising them and adding the returns policy does now remove the fee, however that isn’t entirely practice on 850 listings 😩
let me know if you get any other ideas
thanks Joe
09-03-2025 6:15 PM