Impressions broken again??

Can you please check if there is another problem with impressions? Another counting glitch? These stats can not be correct. Organic impressions promoted views down to under 3000 views today at time of writing. This time last week almost 73000 views. Please help.  dave@ebay kat@ebay 



Message 1 of 698
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697 REPLIES 697

Impressions broken again??

I've spent some time on this.  My reward was a headache.  Heavens yes, your account / visibility is capped as are many others.    It doesn't matter what you sell or what catetory you're in or what your photos, titles or descriptions are like .  Pay or beggar off.  It really is that simple. I'm not trying to be a smart *bleep*.  All the best. 

Message 661 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Sorry have to disagree with you on this one - I pay 2% standard promo and nothing more and getting plenty of sales but you do have to work with Ebay which has changed alot recently - Hope you dont mind my suggestion but you may May benefit from changing to postage paid instead of free postage and offer multibuy/combined post or Bogoffs as your items are small and lightweight so people are likely to buy 2 or 3 from you.  Also you arent using all the 80 characters on the title so limiting your results under searches, eg adding Silver, metal, keyring Key ring chain also in the item specs you need to add in "theme" as Ebay uses the filters more now.  Please dont fall into the trap of thinking you have to throw money at ads as I dont but you do have to figure out how to maximise your search results, Ebays filters and algorithms - Good luck

Message 662 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Please don't be sorry.  I really appreciate you took the time out to offer advice FOC.  If you don't mind, here's my 2024 take on things.  Stop messing with titles, decriptions and photo's.  It confuses things and wastes a ton of time.  Get to the point with the buyer.  Why would I put things like "silver metal" or "keychain / key ring" in my titles?  If I'm not paying, there is zero chance I'll ever get found for that.  You do have my utmost respect and thanks for sharing your knowledge.  Pay up or even you're about to get ebay slapped.  If it hasn't happened yet, it will.

Message 663 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Why would I put things like "silver metal" or "keychain / key ring" in my titles? 

Your first 4 keywords are looking for a match - If a buyer searches for "silver keyring" and you have not put the word silver in the title ebay wont see that as a strong match, If you put in "silver keyring dragonfly" it sees it as a match and more likely to show you in the results  - I agree I would like it the way things were years ago when we would  list an item and ppl found your listings without manipulation but we have to go with it Im afraid.  I refuse to pay more than 2% promo (it was 1% before they upped it) and I do pretty ok so It really isnt about paying for ad space

Message 664 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Looks like ebay are back at there old tricks, organic impressions dropped by 60% in frba and havent recovered !!

Message 665 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Nope ours are the same (havent dropped). February was a quiet month in general and on all our selling platforms

Message 666 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Do you promote? 


I found my Organic impressions were dropping but since I turned off promoted listings nearly two months ago, Organic has been steady and growing because if its promoted I was finding it was only selling as promoted (Ebay not displaying it organically)


And sales are up, page views are up, impressions are up, top 20 search results are up... List goes on. 


But I think there is definitely a correlation between organic vs promoted if you promote, Ebay wants you to pay the extra fees.

Message 667 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

How are people finding their impressions / page views compared to 12, 24 months ago ?



Message 668 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

The figures are pretty awful over the last 12 months. Impressions down 78% and pages views down 92%. My figures had been slowly declining over the year but fell off a high cliff in June/July and have been next to nothing ever since. Although having made some sales this month my conversion rate has been steadily climbing. 

Message 669 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I have been keeping a close eye on mine and the listing impressions are going steadily down.


Last year they seemed to go through the floor, hit the bottom and start to slowly rise again, hitting a peak and


then slowly start to decline again, but hey that's just mine.



Message 670 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Weird thing today. I have 2 accounts at about the normal amount of impressions/views for this time of day but 1 is about 50% down on both views and clicks. Hoping it's a glitch or something.

Message 671 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Just checked again and it looks like it might have frozen on that one account. I've refreshed a few times over the last half hour and it hasn't gone up at all. Even at half the normal rate, impressions should be going up several every second (and are on the accounts reporting normally)

Message 672 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

My  impresssions have hit an all time low 400k, normal average 1-2m.  Probably due to stopping many  promoted listings. Hopefully just a slow week.

Message 673 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Per day?

I average about 100-150k on main account. It used to reach up to 300 or more, a year or so ago, but came down with a bump.

In all honesty, I haven't seen sales decline inline with the views decresing, at least not at anywhere the same same rate, but today is abrupt. I'm hoping it's a glitch because it stopped dead.

I'm sure stopping promoted will have an effect on impressions, but sometimes it's quality over quantity, too!

I hear mixed reports about people stopping promoted, but definitely seen people saying they haven't lost many sales or even gained some. Possibly due to promoted items not showing up as much in organic search results!?

I guess it can depend on the type of item, too. I'm sure some stuff is more conducive to purposful, intentional searches vs it being put in front of random people's eyes.

Message 674 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I've been keeping an eye on things...

Impressions on 2 accounts still updating like normal and where they normally are at this sort of time.

1 account just hangs at a fixed number for anywhere up to an hour then might start climbing like normal for a short period, thousands of impressions in a few minutes, then will stop again and stick at a certain figure for a prolonged time. 

Quite odd. I'm assuming it's a glitch, as they numbers stop updating entirely then go to normal then freeze again. It's not like they have just been accumualting at half the normal speed.

Message 675 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

This is typical of the behavoiur I've been seeing. Overall REPORTED impressions for today looking to end up around 50% of what has been typical the past few weeks. But I feel like there are gaps in reporting rather than the real impressions being 50% lower.

Between 21:02 - 21:42 it remained at 42862 then rose to 44927 in 2 minutes then stopped again.

It then stopped again until 21:54 where it rose to 46738 in a few minutes, then ceased again.

As of  23:07, it is still at 46738.

I find it unlikely that is a true reflection of today's impressions.

Message 676 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

It started rising again at about 20:30. Currently on 59500 and still rising, even though the next day has started. Zero impressions for today, so far, but previous day still rising. Odd.

Message 677 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Sorry that should have said 23:30.

Yesterdays impressions still merrily rising, now closing in on 70k whilst todays still shows 0

Message 678 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I've seen this sort of thing happening. It seemed to be an intermittent glitch. I mentioned it on these boards, but never contacted customer services about it - I doubted I could ever make the agents understand this one. I've also noticed that my impressions and views are revised downwards over the following 2 or 3 days - normally not  by much, but occasionally the dip will be noticeable to the eye. I get that ebay are cutting out the impressions caused by bots, but I would've thought that would be done up front and not retrospectively.

Message 679 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Still doing it.

I noticed that on the active listings page, the figures in the view count column for each item is higher than when you click the number and bring up the listing traffic history graph. Virtically no views recorded on the graphs today but view count column shows there has been views.

I've been checking in on impressions count in the advertising tab and recording the figure. As you can see, it still pauses for extended periods then has little bursts then pauses again. 

08:17 = 5347
08:37 = 5347
09:00 = 5347
09:23 = 5347
10:13 = 5347
10:15 = 5445
10:17 = 5501
10:23 = 5623
10:25 = 5730
10:45 = 5730
10:49 = 5804
10:59 = 5804
11:12 = 6003
11:14 = 6285
11:34 = 6285
11:35 = 6637
11:40 = 7598
11:45 = 7959
12:15 = 7959
12:45 = 7959

Message 680 of 698
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