No sales

What is going on at eBay?


No sales, no offers no response to offers, last sale 15 hours ago and counting. I sell worldwide, all listings promoted, TRS, eBay premium service, fast and free, NO SALES. 

Everything's collapsed since mid march/early April. 
Something changed at eBay during this time that has collapsed my sales and views prior to that time I had regular sales,  and offers throughout the day and night, from all over the world.


Suddenly nobody wants to buy what they were calmouring to buy previously. 

This is nothing to do with the economy so please don't wheel out that lazy excuse. 

Message 1 of 1,531
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1,530 REPLIES 1,530

Re: No sales

Yeah been very quiet the last month or so after a real busy start to the year. Historically May/June are always quieter. It's a good time for E-bay sellers to do some housework, taxes, relisting, cleaning up, getting things in order, take a holiday and relax a little. 

Message 2 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

Promoted listings standard dynamic?  I changed mine to those (still messing with %) but sales have certainly picked up  since I did.  There was also the 'bug' with organic views recently which has just been 'fixed.'  All possible reasons for decline in sales.. then there is of course the current economic... nah not going there. 🤣

Message 3 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

No don't!! 😅

Message 4 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

I've started listing on more platforms this week as I can't see it getting any better here, what has amazed me is the ease of listing EVERYWHERE else. So simple not time consuming.

Message 5 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

@swiss_expert_uk wrote:

This is nothing to do with the economy so please don't wheel out that lazy excuse. 

Agree 100%

March - April sales well up compared to 2022 (website)

One big ticket brand I sell is up over 50% compared to 2022 (website / public open days)

Sales from you tube going strong (links to website)

Sales at my open days where customers do 100+ mile round trips 

showing no sign of slowing.

So there are people spending.

eBay. Put on the back burner while I put all my efforts into the above.





Astronomy is looking up
Message 6 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

Well done.


Regards Shane.

Message 7 of 1,531
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Re: No sales


What other platforms are you listing on. I also list on the other big one?

Message 8 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

No sales again today, second blank day ever.   My cost of sales is up to 37% and not sustainable.  If no improvement next week, I will axe 70% of my listings and downgrade my shop.    

Message 9 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

I've made less this week so far than I usually make in a day. EBay is so broken right now, hopefully the Friday morning scheduled maintenance will bring an improvement tomorrow. 

I'm going to assume whatever projects there are working on behind the scenes are being rolled out to groups of sellers at a time rather than to everyone all at once, hence why not everyone has been affected by the recent bug and glitches, ergo we'll be the first to benefit as they move on to the next victims! I live in hope!

Message 10 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

I’ll just throw in my 2 cents worth as its all been already said. Been on ebay since 2000. I’ve monitored these discussion boards for decades. I have NEVER witnessed it so dire, feels like a ghost town nothing but tumbleweeds. Really REALLY has been the worst I have known. Whats a sale anyone????


Ebay since about 2005 has tinkered with the site as we all know ceaselessly. Feels like conspiracy when they seem to break things that are not broke? Does feel like now there is an effective cull/thinning of the herd. Kind of like a spring-clean of house, with on off switches.


The big players are not really affected. The small players like most of us here will be. Same old same old. You can all feel that squeeze right? I believe this is all very intentional on the senior managements side.


Forget calls to CS it really isn’t worth the stress or hassles, been their seen that got the T shirt. CS are not in the loop (mushrooms), and really just act as a barrier between us and "them in their Ivory towers". CS are incapable of “fixing things that are not broke in their eyes”. I look back at all those years and it just seems to be “wash rinse and repeat” with ever diminishing profit and ever increasing fees. This is why its become known as feebay in some conversations.


My 2 cents, the site is cluttered with too many of everything. Has been for a long time. Ebay is clearing house as they have always done. If you want to jump through their ever increasing jumps, hoops, hurdles and never ending rules that dont favour you, whilst watching them take even more of your dwindling profits, go for it.


Yes I agree, selling accounts at ebay have been worst in my 23 years here. They have broken it again, again and again. And now really busted the bejezuz out of it this time. Intentionally unintentionally who knows. Havent earned zip in months now. To be honest I'm past caring. The decades Ive observed these boards with the same old story. Ebay never acknowledge that they have broken it and screwd up many sellers lives, ignoring the masses of their hard work that give ebay Ivory tower dwellers their massive cushy saleries and happy share holders.


My pensions kick in next year, so I'm not really bothered, but its really disheartning watching those in ebay Ivory toweres wreack unnesseccary havoc on good people in their never ending lust for millions.


I wish you all the best. I least I care but I persoannly think ebay give a flying - Good luck - Roger out

Message 11 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

It is very weird no one wants to buy items that have prevoiusly been a good or steady seller. My items I sell are low value items and sales have gove from a regular "always around the £200 day mark  !!! " to £50 day its terri ble. The other day changed all my listings to 60 day returns and wow back to £200 day  ! for about 3 days then back to £50 again. 

I put a promotion on a popular line that had stopped selling reduced the price and put it on a 25% promotion !! guess what no difference in sales . Just goes to show items are not visible to customers 

Anyway after trading with this account for about 3 years and previously for about 15 years I am now not buying any more stock will just sell what I have left then close my e bay shop down . E bay do not look after the sellers 

Then it will be my turn to switch E bay off 

Message 12 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

Im so fed up with Ebay right now - If I didnt have *** sales (really good) then I wouldnt have much of an income atall.  Ive been on Ebay for 20ish years and always had 20-28 sales a day - Im hitting 5 if that took all of £13 yesterday!. The fees are shocking for the return but I wont put all my eggs in one basked (amazon) as Ive done that in the past and suffered so I will persevere. I know something is wrong as I try searching for things and get completely irrelevant listings.

Im SICK TO DEATH of people trying to manipulate the multi listings adding stupid 99p "sample" things on a listing so it gets picked up if you search by low - high.  Multi-listings should not have price varient options only style/colour etc etc - if it puts me off searching then buyers will give up too but my goodness Ebay you have clearly taken your eye off the ball.

Message 13 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

Why do you have to blame ebay ?

Ebay arent responsible for low wages, cost of living rise, brexit etc etc.


Ebay still has same problems it had months ago with poor search experience.

Multi listing dilemma where you are led in with 99p price and item you want is £9.99.

Hundreds of multi listings from same seller selling same item blocking other sellers.

UK listings swamped out by Chinese and USA listings.


With all ebays problems its amazing anyone buys anything.


This month my energy bills rose by £70 so thats £70 less I have to spend on ebay.

Message 14 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

Why do you have to blame ebay ?

Ebay arent responsible for low wages, cost of living rise, brexit etc etc. 

If that was the case why are my sales flying out the door on another platform?


Ebay still has same problems it had months ago with poor search experience.

Multi listing dilemma where you are led in with 99p price and item you want is £9.99.

Hundreds of multi listings from same seller selling same item blocking other sellers.

UK listings swamped out by Chinese and USA listings.

Spot on - 100% agree - The site is a chaotic mess.  I hate searching for anything new on Ebay, hidden listings, wrong things come up when I search, 99p rubbish for pages if I sort by low-high. People want it quick and simple.  


This month my energy bills rose by £70 so thats £70 less I have to spend on ebay.

True, but theres still alot of money around, you only have to go into the town centres and its packed with people spending, I think people are just being more selective in where they spend it.  At the end of the day when was the last time you saw an Ebay advert, or recieved a voucher to incentivise you to buy on Ebay

Message 15 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

Absolutely spot on simplyessential_uk 😁.

It wasn't long ago that people on the boards were telling me I was imagining things! 😂🤣🤣.

Trying to list on eBay is also a nightmare. After listing only 10 items using the 80% Off FVF Offer,  I'm done with that.

I'm having to create a listing on desktop, upload pictures from my iPhone because it won't do it on desktop, and then go back to desktop to edit the upload photos and list. Far too much faffing around........🙄.

Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

You may think you have pushed ALL my buttons, but you still haven't found the mute!
Message 16 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

For the first time ever EBay are taking my shop fees from my bank account and not from my sales. I have sold one thing this weekend value £9.20 including postage.  I have been away for a few days and was going to put my shop on time away settings. Maybe I'd not have got the one sale had I done so 

when I say dire I mean dire  my sales are showing as 61% down on this time last month  and that doesn't make good reading 

Message 17 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

Wow £50 a day!-I dream of £50 a day,but I don't think those days are coming back anytime soon at least not for me anyway.Last month I reduced my entire shop stock by 20% and had about 3 sales as a result-hardly worth the bother.Like you I will be running down my stock unless I see a vast improvement on this platform.

Message 18 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

I chatted to someone at ebay, as Iam feeling the same. Obviously told me everything was fine and so was my account. I said I cannot afford to pay to promote things and get no return and he advised I switch off my promotions.


So having done that, it appears to have swtiched me off completely.



Upto 6th April - Avg of 40-50k  / day and 40/60 split for organic/promoted

7th - 1st May - Dropped down to 30k / day decreasing gradually each day to 20k and the split is nearer 50/50

2nd May - I spoke to ebay and switched off promotions - Avg 5k per day since


Page Views

Upto 6th April - Avg of 150-250  / day and 60/40 split for organic/other

7th - 1st May - Dropped down to 150 / day decreasing gradually each day to 50 and the split is nearer 50/50

2nd May - 30-70 per  day since



Upto 6th April - similar sales pattern to previous period and  no concerns 40/60 split for organic/promoted

7th - 1st May - Sales half overnight and gradually decrease to days of no sales, all over the place in terms of the split

2nd May - Literally nothing happening. A few sales from previous customers. But nothing


So clearly from my point of view something is wrong. If you cannot afford to pay ebay money to promote then no sales. It costs more for those who earn the least so we stand very little chance.




This is promoted impression. There is a VERY clear change 6th april onwards. Did ebay tweak something on that day with promotions?


Then sales. Something definitely happened and look at the gaps.

 Organic sales seemed ok, as long as I was promting listings still it seems because the second i'm not promoting, i hardly even get organic sales.


So essentially i'm told to stop promoting. The chap was very sure having checked my account I would see sales pick up, dunno how, but anyway i switch off to save paying for advanced promotions with no sales and bosh, no sales at all.

Message 175 of 175
Message 19 of 1,531
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Re: No sales

Those charts are pretty damming evidence that something happened to some sellers around early April, this is exactly what happened to me.


I've read many, many identical experiences from eBay sellers all over these boards and the .com boards since early April. 

Intentional or otherwise eBay will never say but there is tremendous damage done to businesses like mine and many others. 

Message 20 of 1,531
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