Theories And Fact.

Now just what is a theory? I'd say it's something that is proposed but cannot (yet?) be proven.


A fact? = Something that can be verified (even repeated?)


So, in light of the rambling going on elsewhere (none of which is a proven fact) how about people posting their own pet theories and facts?


Mine? Well, mine revolve around space so I'll just post a couple eh?


My theory (which I cannot prove) is that some stars collide and if they're big enough form (what's now called) a Black hole from which little or nothing can escape. Then, more stars get "sucked in" and the Black hole gets bigger. As more and more stars get sucked in, the Black hole gets bigger and bigger, all the while the pressure (due to the massive gravitational effects) builds up and eventually, after billions and billions of years and countless stars falling victim to the Black hole, the heat and pressure builds up to such an extent that it causes a massive explosion, a Big Bang, then the process of star formation and destruction begins all over again and that process continues for ever.


Just one fact (for now). Two Neutron stars collide and seem to disappear, they've formed a Black hole but when that happens, a gamma ray burst is caused which shoots out in to space over vast distances.


That's a fact because we (well the astronomer types) can see that happening. From that they can theorise (you wouldn't want it proved) that if such an event were close enough and the gamma ray burst directed right at the Earth, one of two things could happen depending on the "power". Either everything on Earth would be destroyed in an instant or.... our atmosphere would be destroyed allowing the rays from the Sun to fry the Earth. Either way isn't a lot of fun for us?


Now, how about everyone else posting something (or just arguing about the above) just to instill a bit of life in to the RT?





It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 1 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

The idea you propose would more accurately be described as an hypothesis rather than a theory.


When used as a scientific term the word theory has an entirely different meaning to the common usage of the word.



Message 2 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

Don't all theories start off as a hypothesis?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 3 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

I do not believe that abiogenesis is factual at all.

Message 4 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

"...So, in light of the rambling going on elsewhere..."


Like it cee it ! ! !  Smiley LOL


When I look up, on a clear night sky, and see the myriad of bright stars in this universe of ours, I stand in awe when I think that most of them don't exist as it's only the light, which has travelled millions upon millions of light years, that has just reached that's a fact !  Smiley Surprised


"Non Recuso Laborem"

Message 5 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

In the CeeDee  (new) Big Bang Theory


Does the Big Bang burst and make it's own new Universe, beside ours


something similar is muted, as it is a way to explain why gravity is so Weak, 90% of it leaks across these other Universes.


Could you call a Big Bang event a kind of White Hole ?






I haven't even looked in the other thread-  over the years on here, we've destroyed most 'Religious' musings


Thing is, Believers, don't accept when their Histories and facts are debunked,


by Historical or Archaeological FACTS



You cannot have a true debate with People who put up as a counter argument,


that Dinosaur bones were placed in the ground by God to test their Faith etc etc etc

Message 6 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

I don't believe in the 'Creation Myth' 🙂




Message 7 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

How about this then as a sort of unifying theory for the Creationist and Scientific sides of the argument..


What is the purpose of life?    To propagate itself as far and wide as possible.


If there is a creator how does it propagate itself, being a solitary, all encompassing life form.    Big Bang,  throwing out another iteration of itself, a universe similar but not identical to the one it exploded from.  


This would also explain why there are so many versions of the creator in existence.  The different beliefs are "in touch" with different versions of the creator in different universes.

Message 8 of 28
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Theories And Fact.


The law of averages suggests, given the size and complexity of the universe, the same conditions as we have here, MUST surely exist somewhere else; meaning there must be intelligent other places in the universe.



We haven't devised a form of travel, to enable us to prove or disprove that theory.

Message 9 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

@lettie0261 wrote:

I don't believe in the 'Creation Myth' 🙂



Neither do I.

Message 10 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

Hi Al, obviously we don't know just how big the whole Universe is soooo, for all we know..... There could have been Big Bangs all over the place each one recreating its own collection of Galaxies populated with Stars and Planets, a few of which developed "Life" when they'd cooled down enough.


I dunno about a White Hole? Hardly a hole any more unless the whole Universe is soooooo big that the "spot" where a Big Bag occurred looks like a visible "hole" compared to the Dark Holes in the rest of the Universe?


Do you remember the lady from your part of the World who claimed that about the Dionosaur bones, that all the layers in the rocks had been created like that and that the Earth was only 6,000 years old?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 11 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

Easy folks, dont let the brain overheat, trying to figer out where the world came from.

Message 12 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

Morning CD



I won't even bother posting on the other thread again because the OP seemingly has set herself the task of converting the entire RT to her brand of religion irrespective of whether our membership are commited members of another religion , or are none believers. And any reply to her ramblings just invites another ramble and quote from the bible.


Interestingly and for the first time, I discovered purely by accident, that my gardener who has worked for me for some years is a JW and when, during our discussion I mentioned the other thread he asked if he could come in and see it. I won't go into everything he said other than he thought it was absolutely appaling that the OP was bringing the JW movement into disrepute with the continued haranguing of other members who did not blindly accept and agree with everyhing she said.


But that aside, and back to your question re theories and fact....... I have to say that although I am a believer in the existant of God,

and I guess that must make me religious, I follow no organised religion, and particularly the writings in the bible which over time have been interpreted to suit the agenda of various religions who seek to have things changed to suit their said agenda. 


I am however in a quandry because although I believe in God, I also believe in the big bang theory, and I am convinced that there are other life forms out there somewhere in  space. So for myself, I keep an open mind..........Which leads me to believe that I am just a mixed up, but to old to be a kid, trying to undrestand whats, what.

Message 13 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

And following on from my previous reply..I've got the right bleedin hump because Brentford lost on saturday 😞

Message 14 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

George, being "mixed up" makes you a candidate for a crash-course for conversion, brainwashing and "convincing" by one religion or another.....


But...... being a strong-minded bloke, your questioning scepticism would most likely lead to the usual threat of eternal damnation?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 15 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

Eternal Damnation ?


Cor it's a worry aint it ? ....................They might as well make it for ever and be done with it !



Of course the fact that I have occasionally done some good things, might make em go more leniently on me and decide that probabtion or a community service order might have the effect of straightening me out. 



Message 16 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

@cee-dee wrote:

Don't all theories start off as a hypothesis?

By definition they do.


Hypo - prefix meaning beneath, below, incomplete, partial.



Message 17 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

Right, now you've got to the bottom of that bit and sorted that out, how about an example of a theory (hypothesis?) and fact from you?

It's life Jim, but not as WE know it.
Live long and prosper.

Message 18 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

Theory - In a right angle triangle the square of the hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides


Hypothesis - The square of all prime numbers, 5 and above, are one greater than a multiple of 24.

Message 19 of 28
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Theories And Fact.

Fact - the only play written by Shakespeare that includes the word 'mathematics' is Taming of the Shrew

Message 20 of 28
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