a question about seller share% in regards to coupons



Just got my  invited to the may 15% coupon clearance sale and though this is great its around my normal offer so ill put everything in that, then after uploading the template i noticed it was saying seller share 70% couldnt find anything about the fees for the coupon on the coupon guide so wanted to clarify. Does this mean ebay will take 30% of any sales through the coupon as basicly an advertising fee or am i completely misunderstanding this ?

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a question about seller share% in regards to coupons

Yeah you've misunderstood thankfully, it means that if you sell an item for £100 then the buyer pays £85, but ebay fund 30% of the £15 so once the total have been tallied up and you pay your 70% share you owe eBay £10.50 as you get the full £100 when the buyer purchases. This also means that eBay charges fee's on the full £100 though, obviously would be easier if you only got the £85 and then eBay gave you the 30% 60 days later but that would result in eBay losing out on fee's.



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a question about seller share% in regards to coupons

Yeah you've misunderstood thankfully, it means that if you sell an item for £100 then the buyer pays £85, but ebay fund 30% of the £15 so once the total have been tallied up and you pay your 70% share you owe eBay £10.50 as you get the full £100 when the buyer purchases. This also means that eBay charges fee's on the full £100 though, obviously would be easier if you only got the £85 and then eBay gave you the 30% 60 days later but that would result in eBay losing out on fee's.



Message 2 of 7
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a question about seller share% in regards to coupons

Thank you for explianing just could not find a break down anywhere, im back to thinking this is a great idea again 🙂 everyday is a school day 🙂

Message 3 of 7
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a question about seller share% in regards to coupons

How were you able to see the break down before uploading the items btw? Standard offers (all items) come with a contract but the upload versions I can never see a contract.



Message 4 of 7
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a question about seller share% in regards to coupons

i had completely the upload and was waiting on them being accepted when i spotted the seller share, thats what made me worry as there is nothing explianing it anywhere before you upload your items, i know i could still decline the contract which is why i really wanted to know what was happening before  i made a decision on that 

Message 5 of 7
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a question about seller share% in regards to coupons

When do we have to pay the share of the coupon code? Is it included in the seller fees or will we get an invoice going forward?

Message 6 of 7
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a question about seller share% in regards to coupons

In this case sellers don't get any benefit. Buyer gets 15% discount and Ebay extra 70% from 15% coupon! In other words, Ebay *bleep* you again. If you sell item without coupon for £120 you'll will get net around £110. If you sell with 15% coupon you'll have around £100 it doesn't make sense at all to accept it. It's better to reduce price 

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