Seller fee enquiry

Hi I've tried to sell my car, it didn't sell but I've got a £14.99 bill. Is this correct or am I being scammed? TIA

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Re: Seller fee enquiry

Vehicle listings are never free and are charged on  each listing/relisting ...  Classified Ads. at £19.99 will allow the exchange of contact details for viewing and price negotiation over a 30 day period ... set your Start price at or near the price that you would find acceptable ... avoid Offers as once accepted, the sale process stopand may never complete ... just continue to Negotiate an acceptable selling price and only remove the Ad. when you have a definite buyer with Cash in hand or Bank Transfer is safely deposited/confirmed before handing over Vehicle keys/documents on buyer collection. No further FVF selling fee is charged ...  PayPal payments should not be accepted .... CASH is safest >


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