Messages ignored by sellers

One thing that really is getting worse is seller communication, not responding to messages and basically treating buyers as a nuisance!

 I find this very odd and now will not buy from someone who can't be bothered to respond or interact even if I want the item.

I have messaged a few sellers numerous times and no reply, rude, unprofessional and disrespectful.

Your thoughts please!

Message 1 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

@neiwheat wrote:

One thing that really is getting worse is seller communication, not responding to messages and basically treating buyers as a nuisance!

 I find this very odd and now will not buy from someone who can't be bothered to respond or interact even if I want the item.

I have messaged a few sellers numerous times and no reply, rude, unprofessional and disrespectful.

Your thoughts please!

Wow you have been unlucky in your choice of sellers.


Not every seller is glued to their computer. Not every seller is able to answer a question immediately.

Perhaps there was something that caused those sellers to decide a reply was not needed? 



The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.

View solution in original post

Message 5 of 123
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122 REPLIES 122

Messages ignored by sellers

If a seller does not reply in a reasonable time.. I move on.


I refuse to stress over it... to me it is a minor issue.

Message 2 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

IMHO with everything else that is going on in the world lack of response to messages is a very minor issue. I can turn on a tap and receive fresh water, switch on a light, and I do not have to live in a basement for fear of being bombed nor worry about whether my male friends/relatives will still be alive tomorrow.


Message 3 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

Are you sure it's worth it? If enough of your questions are unanswered you'll buy nothing you want. It's sometimes because they have good reason. With so much eBay protection of buyers you may be better off buying what you want and returning if it really was described incorrectly. I think (because you asked) that being rude and disrespectful is an over-reaction compared to everday life, yet again the bigger issues; as for unprofessional, not every seller is a professional.

Message 4 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

@neiwheat wrote:

One thing that really is getting worse is seller communication, not responding to messages and basically treating buyers as a nuisance!

 I find this very odd and now will not buy from someone who can't be bothered to respond or interact even if I want the item.

I have messaged a few sellers numerous times and no reply, rude, unprofessional and disrespectful.

Your thoughts please!

Wow you have been unlucky in your choice of sellers.


Not every seller is glued to their computer. Not every seller is able to answer a question immediately.

Perhaps there was something that caused those sellers to decide a reply was not needed? 



The whole moon and the entire sky are reflected in one dewdrop on the grass.
Message 5 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

Yes absolutely worth it, I work in customer service and I would not dream of ignoring a message from a prospective buyer. I am not a professional eBay seller but do reply to every message, just the right thing to do! 
I don't believe expecting a reply or response and me saying rude or disrespectful is an over reaction 


Message 6 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

But nevertheless a frustrating one, with a very simple fix, answer people who message you. 
I agree in the big picture a minor issue, but still frustrating 

Message 7 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

I have had quite a few sellers who for whatever reason haven't answered, I understand if a seller can't reply immediately but a brief acknowledgment would be nice. I will not buy now from a seller who does not answer a message, just my personal preference

Message 8 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

As long as you factor in that eBay messages are not exactly reliable and make allowances. And on top of that the enquiring prospective buyer has to be careful what they put in the message. Or again it may not make it to its destination.


The seller can't reply if they don't get the message.

Message 9 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

In addition to all of the above, there have also been issues with eBay's messaging system having on and off glitches. I had someone message me 3 different times for the same information which I had replied to.


It was obvious they were having issues with sending messages, like others have experienced. And it was obvious, they were not receiving my repeated response! 😮.


I would suggest that you try sending another message or two! 😁

Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

You may think you have pushed ALL my buttons, but you still haven't found the mute!
Message 10 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

Maybe the person in question is on holiday, ill, etc or looking after someone like I do and can't get to a computer, phone etc and answer 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 11 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

Notice op 

, is selling over 2,000 items and isn't a business seller. Just a observation 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 12 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

Not applicable

I totally agree with the op that a seller should give good customer service and respond accordingly.


My only worry is that some sellers and even some posters on here seem to forget a few important things a buyer looks for from a seller. 

For example a seller with over 2,600 listings trading on a private account.. I assume the op responds to buyers questions so before I buy from you can I ask why you are trading illegally. 

Message 13 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

There may be a clue with 'I have messaged a few sellers numerous times' - not all sellers are online all the time and just don't have time to answer 'numerous' queries.  Decide what you need to know, send one clear message and wait for a reply; that might work.

I can't speak for all sellers, but I get exasperated when I am asked questions which would be unnecessary if the buyer looked at the pictures, read the listing or attempted to use Google.  (Last weekend, 'Do you know what country the watch is made in?')

Finally, in my experience, it is rare for the people who ask the questions to actually bid on my items and over the years I have become more inclined to just ignore questions.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 14 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

I have accepted a solution, did not realise that this thread would get so personal. I am a collector who buys and sells to continue collection. I have lots of low value items and not many sales at moment. I am disappointed in how personal this has got. 

Message 15 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

Purchased item to collect in person need details been 3 days seller won't answer needed to collect at weekend 

Message 16 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

Get it but at least look now and again at messenges been 3days

Message 17 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

For some time now I don't receive messages from anyone apart from eBay and if I get an offer.Any enquiry messages I can't reply , I got one earlier about wanting to buy but can't reply so another potential sale lost.Have tried all the browsers three different devices reinstalled , cleared cookies etc and nothing has worked .Maybe your sellers are having the same problem very frustrating but I just live with it now.

Message 18 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

I sell about 10 items which is easy to manage.

Some sellers sell 1,000's of items which takes up all their time.


Message 19 of 123
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Messages ignored by sellers

Indeed I only sell a few items now too much hassle  , tried everything to answer the message.  I can see there's a message but won't let me see it just a red box telling me message over 90 days , just got it yesterday.

Message 20 of 123
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