eBay break there own rules

Well where do I start,

I have so many things to talk about.

It's all to do with eBay.

I shall start with which I expect maybe some of you would need or have done in the pass had to deal with

On the eBay platform.

Here one for you.

I sold a camera on eBay to a buyer who wanted to return the camera due to the zooming control button on the camera was not working.

Even though the proof of the Panasonic Lumix TZ70 digital camera shown on my YouTube channel was working also showing that the zooming button had no problems in zooming.

The camera was as described as there is a problem with the shutter blades not opening and will need cleaning which is also shown on my YouTube channel.

On the description on eBay buyer's were told on the description to look at the video on my YouTube channel.

I also explain this on the description.

Anyway I had this buyer return this camera back to me. ( Which us seller's have no choice no Matter what the reason is for returning an item back )

I get the camera back knowing full well that the buyer had broken the zooming button on the camera and also replaced the original Lumix usb cable which I sold with the camera to the buyer and gave me an ordinary usb cable in place.

I sent proof and evidence what had happened to eBay.

To get no support whatsoever,even lost the appeal due to eBay members not looking at the evidence of the missing items and a broken camera.

So the buyer got refunded and I had a broken camera and not an original usb cable in place.

So I decided to fix this camera and resale the camera on the eBay platform again.

With a buyer sending me an offer for the camera to which I excepted.

Taking note that the camera has been described on the description with issue's.

Only to know that this buyer wants to return the camera for a full refund due to them not reading the listing.

Even though I have done nothing wrong and have written it as described on the eBay platform.

I still have no choice but to accept the return of this camera once again.

Which this is a process I am currently going through at the moment.

So as you can see.

There is no seller's protection.There is no fairness on the eBay platform.Buyers rule.

My point is even though I have been with eBay for over 12 year's what's the point in have 100% feedback

If buyer's can just get away with it no matter what evidence you have got you will lose.


Message 1 of 27
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Re: eBay break there own rules

If it was not suitable for your car and therefore "did not fit" and you used the reason did not fit then you have to pay for return postage.   The correct response was "not as described"  [seller told you it was OK and it was not].


Simply getting that wrong makes the difference!  EBay's procedures are aabsolutely strict and there is no individual treatment [whatever we think there "should be"!]  @elimaki9 

Message 21 of 27
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Re: eBay break there own rules

Weather the seller accepts the return or not.you can still return the item for a refund.The seller needs to accept the item back.it was there fault in the first place saying that it fitted your car.

The seller has no choice but to accept.if they don't and don't pay for the return postage.

Then you get to keep the item and should receive a full refund anyway.

Kind regards

Message 22 of 27
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Re: eBay break there own rules

@jakejim wrote:

Weather the seller accepts the return or not.you can still return the item for a refund.The seller needs to accept the item back.it was there fault in the first place saying that it fitted your car.

The seller has no choice but to accept.if they don't and don't pay for the return postage.

Then you get to keep the item and should receive a full refund anyway.

Kind regards

The seller is based in Germany so is not obliged to accept a 'doesn't fit' or 'change of mind' return, only a 'not as described one, which wasn't the reason that @elimaki9 selected for their return. 

Message 23 of 27
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Re: eBay break there own rules

The buyer can still show the proof in the eBay messaging service.

That the seller sent a reply saying that the item fitted there car.

So technically the buyer has every right in contacting eBay to show 

Them this message.Which would give them the pass way to returning the

Item due to the sellers mistake.


Message 24 of 27
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Re: eBay break there own rules

@jakejim wrote:

The buyer can still show the proof in the eBay messaging service.

That the seller sent a reply saying that the item fitted there car.

So technically the buyer has every right in contacting eBay to show 

Them this message.Which would give them the pass way to returning the

Item due to the sellers mistake.


It doesn't matter, that's a moot point because the buyer selected the wrong reason for the return - they selected 'Doesn't fit' which isn't a not as described reason so a private or international seller can decline the return. 


The buyer can't re-open this return and change the reason to the correct one they should've selected, nor can they open another for this same transaction. eBay CS can't do this either.  

Message 25 of 27
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Re: eBay break there own rules

If the buyer paid by PayPal.

Then another case can be reopened

For the buyer to return the item

That was not as described.

To correct there own mistakes they did on the eBay case.

Message 26 of 27
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Re: eBay break there own rules

@jakejim wrote:

If the buyer paid by PayPal.

Then another case can be reopened

For the buyer to return the item

That was not as described.

To correct there own mistakes they did on the eBay case.

Great haiku.


Yes, if the buyer paid using their PayPal account they could open a not as described case there. If PayPal agreed that the item isn't as described then the buyer could pay to return it to the seller by a trackable postage method. 

Message 27 of 27
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