Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

Sitting here waiting for the new car to arrive, and for the garage to take away the old one for scrapping. Feeling sick to the pit of my stomach at the thought that I am sending away an old friend to the scrap yard. Is this normal LOL. Martha the Mondeo was my first ever car and I feel like I am a murderer LOL...

Remember - it takes 17 muscles to smile and 44 muscles to frown - SO KEEP SMILING 🙂
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

dont look at her headlights as she is hoisted and dragged  away from you, you WILL see little car tears rolling down her bumper!Smiley Sad


poor Martha

cast aside for a new improved version


Message 2 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

A lot of her will get recycled so that's a positive thing - yes?!

Message 3 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

Good thinking Alison as I recycle everything else in the house.


Merlin - that bit really has made me feel worse!!! the thought of little tears running down her bumper!!!!


Still I should be happy as the new car is the one I have always wanted anyway a bright red KA.

Remember - it takes 17 muscles to smile and 44 muscles to frown - SO KEEP SMILING 🙂
Message 4 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

i think its only women who get attached to cars

we give them names, and we are sad when they go


do we name the washing machine and wave it off sadly?


its more the memories of the good times had because of it

the memories dont change just because you car has


**is feeling practical today**

Message 5 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

Just think of all the other cars she will help to keep on the road.


Its always hard loosing your first car, mine was a green beetle but I sold her so I didn't face the same loss,


Chin up

Message 6 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

Oh Tintin, I know exactly how you feel, I really do.  I know it sounds daft

but I know I will feel just like that when my old Astra really has to go.

Honestly I've had it for sixteen and a half of its eighteen years and I'm

very attached to it.


I always think of Herbie in the film, daft isn't it as cars are only inanimate

objects but I think, especially when we've had them a long time, they

become extensions of ourselves.


I've been driving a courtesy car this last week, to save putting mileage

on mine - hubby's car being mended.  I did feel a wee bit guilty thinking

how nice a brand new Corsa is but then I thought given the choice, I'd

go back to my old yellow Astra!


I was even sad when my boss got rid of my favourite coach a few years

ago 'cos I'd been on many happy trips in it and had a lot of fun.

Message 7 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

Yes...I think it is a girly thing giving a car a name.


Martha has gone....and yes I was very sad to see her go. Had her four years and was my first ever car having only passed my test in March 2009 but to be honest I purchased from a friend and looking back it was silly of me cause a Mondeo was far too big for a two person family who only do about 100 miles a week at the very most. I thought about a KA in 2009 and now wished I had gone ahead then.


Anyway....Katie is now sitting on the drive shining in the sunshine and smelling lovely inside (that wont last with a teenager LOL). Looking forward to my first proper drive in her tomorrow. Not the best at reversing so will take her somewhere quiet and do a bit of reversing on my own!!!!!


Am feeling a little more happy now. Was so sick with nerve I didnt even have anything to eat at lunchtime.  Feeling hungry now though.

Remember - it takes 17 muscles to smile and 44 muscles to frown - SO KEEP SMILING 🙂
Message 8 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

What are you haveing for tea Tintin  (trying to keep  your mind off it)  Have missed your threads over the last few days,


Keep smiling, believe me its a lot easier to reverse a Ka than a Mondeo.

Message 9 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

Ed.....not sure what it will be tonight - just started the tea thread.


I really do hope Katie is easier than Martha to reverse...mind you she is about three feet shorter.


If you could see how the two lads next door parked ie over both dropped would appreciate that a car as big as a Mondeo was an accident waiting to happen as they make life difficult in manoeuvering terms and blocking my view coming out of the drive (the boys next parking I mean)

Remember - it takes 17 muscles to smile and 44 muscles to frown - SO KEEP SMILING 🙂
Message 10 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

I have had my lovely Alfa Romeo Spider for 10 years now ...was a year old when I got it.

Decided to change it earlier this year for a Mercedes SLK as I have hankered after one for ages . Test drove one and agreed to buy it .

I did not sleep one wink that night and next morning told my hubbie I really could not bear to part with my car.......

So here we are still together and very happy with the summery weather as have had lots of drives with the top down.

It will be a very sad day when it eventually has to go .....I will be devastated...but it doesnt have a name ...
Message 11 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

I never mind the old car going as the new one is always an improvement on the old one. I don't name my cars either.

"I am made entirely of flaws stitched together with good intentions"
Message 12 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

Ya daft bat!


I don't think it's normal a car is a car is a car - BUT  I'd had my old Merc for 18 years and 240,000 + miles and decided It had to go as it was starting to be a bit expensive. 


OH said why didn't I get a nice little Toyota Yaris or something similar, cheap to run, insure etc etc etc.NO WAY I said I want something that's fun.

So what do I end up with?

A Mercedes SLK AMG  2800 (V6).  Not particularly practical, not particularly cheap to run (but cheaper than my old 180 C Class), but oh boy is it fun and fast! I love it.  Especially this summer everywhere with the top down and it has the air scarf for the colder months and the roof is metal making it a proper coupe.


Did I shed a tear when the old one went, no way. but I may feel differently about this one. 


I've never given a car a name, don't understand why people do, but that's just me.

Message 13 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

I talk to the wee car (midget) and tuck his wingmirrors under his blanket on cold night, and apologise if I bump into him. So from my point of view it all sounds relatively normal.


Mind you I'm the one with the tame slug colony so my idea of normality may differ slightly from other peoples??

Message 14 of 15
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Sitting here feeling sick - is this normal LOL

My husband was really upset when our ancient Skoda finally died and went to the scrapyard.


But then it was "his" car and the only one he'd ever had. (I drive to work, he cycles, so the main family car, of which we've had multiple, has always been mine.)


Every time we've got rid of one of "my" cars it's been because it had started letting us down. I'm paranoid of being somewhere and the car failing, so the sense of relief that it wasn't going to happen any more has always outweighed any regrets.

Message 15 of 15
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