Contacting ebay

My wife was at our allotment and wanted to buy some cloches,I ordered some on eBay as a guest. Later when the order was confirmed I noticed that part of the delivery address was wrong,I went back to my order and there my address was correct. I tried to contact eBay but kept being sent round in circles, I tried to contact the seller but his site was written in Chinese which I do not speak.eventually after a lot more hassle I managed to contact an eBay agent and thought I had managed to explain my  problem and although I didn’t think English was his first language I thought he understood and he said he would fix it.later I got an email from eBay saying I was not getting a refund as the delivery company had tried unsuccessfully to deliver to the wrong address and now the goods have been sent back to the seller, so they’ve got their money but I haven’t got my cloches!

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Contacting ebay

If you haven't opened an official "not received" case try that now as guest buyer.   Details here:


If no luck with that contact your payment provider and see if they can help.



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