Negative Feedback Review/Removal



I have recently received some negative feedback. I believe that the language used in the feedback goes against Ebay's Threats and Offensive language Policy as it is clearly defamatory.


The buyer also used profane language when he messaged me privately. Irrespective of this profane language I still tried to assist the buyer but he has ignored this and left untrue feedback.


I would be obliged if  marco@ebay could please review and remove this negative feedback from my account.


Many thanks



Message 1 of 11
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Negative Feedback Review/Removal

Experienced Mentor

Is the belt genuine or is there a possibility that it's not the real deal?


You've sold at least 6 Andersons belts, where are you getting them from?



Message 2 of 11
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Negative Feedback Review/Removal

It is 100% genuine and unsurprisingly the buyer wishes to keep it rather than to return it for a full refund.


I also have lots of feedback from many happy customers who have bought this brand of belt from me previously, I was even in two minds about selling this one as it is so nice! 


Message 3 of 11
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Negative Feedback Review/Removal

Experienced Mentor

Ah, that's shabby of the buyer then if you offered a refund on return of the belt. 

Message 4 of 11
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Negative Feedback Review/Removal

There seem to be a lot of buyers at the moment expecting a full refund AND to keep the item "they don't want/is broken"


Makes you wonder which eBay ads they have seen that make them think they can get free items and keep them as well as getting a full refund....

Message 5 of 11
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Negative Feedback Review/Removal

I know especially when the buyer as in this case messages straight away via private message with the line  'Let me know what you want to do before I' I have left out the profanity he used.


Hopefully it can be resolved quickly.



Message 6 of 11
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Negative Feedback Review/Removal

Has the buyer opened a case for return of the item? If not, as I understand it and open to correction, that is grounds for removal of feedback as it is Ebay policy that you are given a chance to make things right, and messages don't count.

Message 7 of 11
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Negative Feedback Review/Removal

No the buyer did not open a case at all.




If you could please now send this feedback for a review.



Message 8 of 11
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Negative Feedback Review/Removal

@pauuk.35za36 wrote:

No the buyer did not open a case at all.




If you could please now send this feedback for a review.



Have you had any response? 


If not, go here and click on "Request to Remove Feedback" and fill in the form. There is a test box where you can provide information. I suggest something on the lines of,


"Buyer left negative feedback without giving me the opportunity to refund. I would have been happy to refund and pay for the item to be returned to me. I have not been given that opportunity. No return case was opened. This is against Ebay policies."


Do let us know how you get on.

Message 9 of 11
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Negative Feedback Review/Removal

No nothing as of yet - I have pm'd Marco so hopefully soon.

Message 10 of 11
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Negative Feedback Review/Removal

I spoke with the Irish call centre today. They confirmed that it would be removed but asked that I complete the seller help form first - unsurprisingly this has come back as unable to remove but hopefully the customer service review/appeal request will still get it removed, apparently that is how it works.

Message 11 of 11
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