no selling fees on clothes

Since the "no selling fees"  adjustment happened I have noticed my clothing  sales drop by about 75%.  I am selling the same kind of things, all in v good to new condition  but suddenly the bottom has dropped out of the market.    I consulted a tech expert, my son, and he says that the algorithm which works the system will drop   you to the bottom of the heap unless you "promote" your listing for a % of your choosing.  What is that if not deceitful, lies actually, and a fee by another name?  Do they think we are all thick?  I plan to let the current listings run with one or two items promoted to see if there is any difference in turnover  and what the deducted % will be on any sales.  I do not like being lied to or deceived .  I will use another platform from now on for clothes.   It really is the limit eBay, you are giving us 2 fingers.

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no selling fees on clothes

Experienced Mentor

Lots of sellers are using the fee free option,

clothes is a very over loaded category.

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