Refund for faulty item is not being actioned

I purchased a laptop on 20th April, which so far as I could see, did not match its description.

By mutual agreement (I thought) I was going to get a 50% refund, as of 2nd May, but nothing has happened. How do I force the issue?
Can/ will eBay actually do anything about this? There is supposed to be an option to 'ask them to step in and help', but this does not exist.
I'm not wealthy enough to just chuck £100 away.....
Thank you for any ideas.

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Refund for faulty item is not being actioned

Experienced Mentor

It's hard to advise you as you have not told us what procedure, if any, you used to claim a refund.


The correct proecedure would have been to open an "item not as described" case under eBay's money back guarantee. If you had done this, after three working days the option would have appeared to ask eBay to step in if the seller had not resolved the issue. You are still within the 30 day time limit to open a case. For full details see:


Returning an item for a refund:

eBay's money back guarantee:


If you have already opened a procedure through eBay, please let us know which it was and the date you opened it - and what the problem is.

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