Overcharge on fees

I've been tricked into high charge for subtitle and need the fee removed since I've removed the subtitle in discovering excessive fees

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Overcharge on fees

Experienced Mentor

Adding upgrades to listing is not free & once listed, fee is payable.

You could try to see if CS will refund it.


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Overcharge on fees

I am not sure why you feel you were 'tricked' - if you choose a subtitle, this appears immediately beneath the box you write the subtitle in:

Then, before you submit your listing, it states 'Listing fee £2.00'.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 3 of 4
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Overcharge on fees

Experienced Mentor

Removing the subtitle woin't remove the fee, you're charged this as soon as you send your listing live.


I can't see how you can claim to have been tricked, it clearly states on the listing form that the subtitle costs £2 and when you submit your listing it tells you what your fee will be. You should always look at the screen before submitting your listing.

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