No goods

I won a bid. The seller then messaged me saying the item was no longer available. I noticed the listing said another offer had been accepted and the item sold. I contacted the seller saying they couldn't do this. No reply. The listing now states I cancelled the order. I did not. The seller has not honoured my won bid. 

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No goods

Seller used BUYER's request as reason for cancellation to avoid being penslised for not being able to honour the sale.


You could report this to ebay saying that you did not request cancellation and that seller had already sold item elsewhere.



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No goods

When an item has sold but the seller changes their mind about selling it, eBay still charges them fees for the sale. These will be refunded if thes seller provides an acceptable reason, for example that the buyer asked to cance the sale.


As you have discovered, some sellers lie to eBay in in order to get their fee refund. This is reportable to eBay, which will that it seriously as the seller has not only refused to honour the sale, but is also dishonestly trying to evade payment of their fees. See:

Report issue with seller:

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