Ebay error?

I listed a dog harness which sold almost immediately May 5th and buyer paid. Item sent, buyer has received it.

Surprised to see a message that same item was sold today 13 May. I didn't list it twice but ebay agent insists that I did on May 1. I have asked this poor purchaser to request a refund.

Does ebay make these sorts of errors often and why is it so difficult to get the agent to believe me?

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Ebay error?

Experienced Mentor

Ebay doesn't make these sorts of errors, which is why the agent won't believe you. 


Also, if it was an automatic relist the two listings would be identical,  which they are not.


If the buyer won't agree to a cancellation you will have to cancel as out of stock, which will cost you 30p and a defect.


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Ebay error?

Experienced Mentor

Sorry, but the error was yours, not ebay.

1 sold on 5th May Anthracite, other on 13th May, doesn't mention Anthracite,

So you obviously listed it twice with different title.

You will have to cancel today's item as out of stock. 

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