Confused about new tax change

Hi all, I'm confused and scared about the new tax changes on eBay for people on benefits. I sell my old clothes on here because I'm disabled and they don't fit anymore, but alot of my small items apart from the odd few that cost more I sell for like 99p etc. But if I do that I would post way more than 30 listings a year??? But I would never make it up to the £1.700 amount?


It's a grey area no one can seem to answer and I don't know what to do, if I sold 30 items of clothes at 99p ive litrally made £30 but if i go over the 30 items?? It makes no sense 😞 

I hope this message makes sense!

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Confused about new tax change

Everyone would agree the 30 items per year is low,  but this is what has been set,  30 items or £1,700 in sales and eBay send the details of those accounts to HMRC.


You are selling second hand , used,  personal items, you do not fall into the bracket of a trader,  that is,  you're not buying items to sell,  or making items to sell, or selling all Brand New items,  so this is not a tax you will need to be paying.

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Confused about new tax change

Experienced Mentor

If you are concerned about the impact of selling your own unwanted personal possessions on your benefits, you need to check with the DWP.

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