Car purchased over a year ago is still being listed by seller

Hi all, my daughter and I purchased a car I found on eBay and it's still beng listed over a year later. After contacting the seller they stated that they have had this and other items they have previously listed return even after trying and asking eBay for them to be removed. I therefore contacted eBay who have stateted that the listing doesn't contravene anything and therefore cannot be removed. Do we just need to accept that we have no power to have this item removed or is there a way to have the listing removed? What would be the right approach or process to have my daughters car removed as a false listing that it is for sale when it isn't?


Thank you in advance.

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Car purchased over a year ago is still being listed by seller

Experienced Mentor

I therefore contacted eBay who have stateted that the listing doesn't contravene anything


How did you contact eBay. The correct way is to use the link provided in every listing to report it.


I think you may have reported the listing for the wrong reason. What makes it removable isn't the length of time it's been displayed, it's the fact that it's your car and it is not for sale!


If you use the correct procedure to report it and eBay still does nothing, you have done all that you can. Ultimately, it's the seller who will have to deal with the problems if someone "buys" it.

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Message 4 of 5
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Car purchased over a year ago is still being listed by seller

This is most odd, but all sellers are responsible for their listings.


  The seller it would seem has simply not finalised the transaction by marking it as paid and  Dispatched / Collected,  Dispatched is  eBay's wording for a collected item. 


Items do not ' return' once sold, but will remain for sale, if the seller doesn't mark it as Dispatched / Collected.


I wouldn't worry as this is the seller's problem if the car sells again, the buyer will come and there's no car, to pay for, and drive away with !



Message 2 of 5
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Car purchased over a year ago is still being listed by seller

Seller only needs to go to listing and from drop down menu select end listing. Does he not understand the risks he runs advertising something for sale that he cannot deliver.

Message 3 of 5
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Car purchased over a year ago is still being listed by seller

Experienced Mentor

I therefore contacted eBay who have stateted that the listing doesn't contravene anything


How did you contact eBay. The correct way is to use the link provided in every listing to report it.


I think you may have reported the listing for the wrong reason. What makes it removable isn't the length of time it's been displayed, it's the fact that it's your car and it is not for sale!


If you use the correct procedure to report it and eBay still does nothing, you have done all that you can. Ultimately, it's the seller who will have to deal with the problems if someone "buys" it.

Message 4 of 5
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Car purchased over a year ago is still being listed by seller

That's the exact route that I used to report it with the link on the listing. I forget the exact reason that I picked but at the time I do remember at the time that there was not one covered exactly this issue, so I agree that may have used the wrong reason.


I suspect that they are simply using it as a sales lead to get people to contact them and they can state "Oh that has sold, I do have this car available however". I really don't understand the workings of eBay listings having only been a buyer, but I would have thought it costs to list. Perhaps it’s a form of cheap advertisement compared to other options. Additionally, it is not a listing in the traditional sense in that all you can do is contact the seller. I have put it below as you may be able to shed more light on this type of listing being able to be left listed indefinitely. This might be foolish and only go to help the seller get more views.

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