Block Buyers by using Address

Is there a way to block buyers from purchasing from us using a Address from them to block them?


So far i got 3 buyers doing the same thing if you add them to user ID block they will just make a new ebay account.


And they are just opening ebay case on a 2nd class stamp saying not delivered.

Message 1 of 10
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Block Buyers by using Address

Experienced Mentor

Blocks can only be set using eBay ID and not a postal address.


However, looking at your profile your rating of 90.9% and sub 4 DSR points to you heading for restrictions.


also, as eBay are forwarding data to HMRC you are on very shaky ground being a business seller trading as a private seller in violation of eBay rules and the law.

Message 2 of 10
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Block Buyers by using Address

thank you for letting me know regarding my ebay profile ebay listing now they are all ended.


Now what? Even after being a "Experienced Mentor" still a joker


This is for purchasing only and testing only account.


Message 3 of 10
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Block Buyers by using Address

A nice response from you .


On the blocking side, where rouge buyers are allowed or even encouraged to have multiple accounts, once one account reaches a ban situation, the buyer simply switches accounts and starts again. 

Ebay have no appetite to solve the situation, and welcome a larger pool of members - Personally id have gone down the improved vetting of a new member, but im in a minority.

I dont feel blocking a full address would be practical, once you consider blocks of flats etc, but its worth a debate.

Nice change to have folks thinking positively about solutions though.


Message 4 of 10
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Block Buyers by using Address

Indeed as proven by your new listings.

Message 5 of 10
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Block Buyers by using Address

@website-designer eBay are required by law to give HMRC your annual sales figures, name address etc and will do so in January 2025. You have already made 58 sales so you have passed the reporting threshold where eBay are legally required to send this info to HMRC. 


HMRC will require you to complete a self assessment as you are trading illegally online as a "private " seller when you are legally trading. 


Your account is still showing as a "private" account on your new listings when it should say "business"



Message 6 of 10
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Block Buyers by using Address

and your response answer s the OP's question on blocking bidders by what means?

ebay have the power and information to address the private / business buyer status - let them address the popular problem in ebays own way.

Message 7 of 10
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Block Buyers by using Address

OP already has their answer regarding blocking bidders by address. They can't.


Do you need me to repeat what has already been written in the thread by another poster, stating you cannot block by address? 

Message 8 of 10
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Block Buyers by using Address

and your comment had nothing to do with the post then


ebay wont block by address'.


ebay opt (despite having the info) not to chastise private sellers who fall into the business.

Message 9 of 10
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Block Buyers by using Address

If you have not already done so contact eBay Customer Service about the matter, making sure that you make a written note of the User IDs in question so that you can refer back to them during the phone call.


When the eBay representative asks how he/she can help you, explain that you've got a buyer who keeps on creating multiple accounts in order to bypass your Blocked Bidders List.  If you have any transactions that have been affected in this way provide eBay with the listing IDs so that the eBay rep can check them out and investigate them further to see if he/she can spot a definite link.  Once the eBay rep has all of the User IDs in question ask him/her what eBay actually intend to do in order to prevent the buyer from just opening up another account in order to bypass your blocks yet again.


Although it might seem like a pain in the neck to have to go through all of this just to bring the matter to eBay's attention, if you report the matter to eBay then they may well keep a watch on the person in question to see whether he/she opens another account and attemps to bypass your Blocked Bidders List again.  If the person in question has done the same thing to other sellers and has been reported for it previously then if enough sellers were to complain about it eBay may either place restrictions on the buyer's accounts, or if things start to get really out of hand they may even close down the accounts.


Unfortuantely eBay won't tell you what action, if any, they are going to take against the buyer.  Having said that, however, if you don't try you may never be able to stop this buyer from repeatedly attempting to bypass your blocks.  If you do complain then eBay may possibly take action to prevent a recurrence of the problem and stop it from happening again.

Message 10 of 10
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