Why has 'Manage Bidders' option been removed?

I recently had a bidder make me an offer on an item below my asking price.

I decided to accept and then guess what?    No response, no payment.

Just imagine the consequences if the boot was on the other foot ... No response, no order sent.

Anyway, decided that I did not want to do 'business' again with this person so went to site map 

and selected 'Manage Bidders' (read ban bidders)

It would appear that ebay have removed this option for sellers. 

Seems just like another move to keep even non-payers in the game doesn't it?

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Why has 'Manage Bidders' option been removed?

Experienced Mentor

You can still place buyers on your block bidder list here,Selling preferences (ebay.co.uk)


"The secret of getting ahead is making a start"
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Why has 'Manage Bidders' option been removed?

Experienced Mentor

have you cancelled with - buyer did not pay?


you get your selling fees back and they get an unpaid strike.

Message 3 of 6
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Why has 'Manage Bidders' option been removed?

Thank you … I gave now barred them from bidding on any of my lines.
The offer they made was accepted by me but time expired before any payment made.
I then cancelled as no guidance recd from eBay about what , if anything happens next.

Sent from my iPhone
Message 4 of 6
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Why has 'Manage Bidders' option been removed?

Cancelled? What reason did you use as only if you used Unpaid do you not pay the selling fee.

Why do you need guidance, have you never noticed at the top of pages HELP AND CONTACT.

If you entered as the subject "buyer has not paid", you would have received all the guidance you needed.

Ebay provides guidance on virtually all the things that can go wrong, but you do need to read for yourself.

Message 5 of 6
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Why has 'Manage Bidders' option been removed?

There is lots of guidance ... on everything.

Use 'help & contact' top left of your Ebay page and put a brief search term in.

I tried 'non-paying bidders' and got a whole page on Ebay's unpaid item policy including this:


Managing unpaid orders

  • Sellers can cancel an order if the buyer hasn't paid after 4 calendar days and up to 30 days after the order is placed. Learn more in our Order cancellation policy
  • Sellers shouldn't use the reason "Buyer hasn't paid" to cancel an order when the buyer has paid, or they may:
    • Have all credits reversed for the time period in question
    • Lose the ability to use the fee credit system
    • Be subject to suspension


"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
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