Fraudulent use of my card after an eBay purchase

Hi all,

I recently made a purchase on ebay and then a day later a company called 'movie memories' tried five attempts to use my card for over £6000 / $7500.

I checked the purchases I made to see if any of the vendors where from the company above – non were, but I purchased a number of 'movie' posters from the other vendors and the bank informed me that the fraudulent use WAS via eBay. Its too much of a coincidense thatoneday I purchase movie posters from a number of eBay vendors then a company called 'Movie Memories' trys to take £££ / $$$ from me. Anyone come across this kind of thing before? 

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Fraudulent use of my card after an eBay purchase

Experienced Mentor

Sellers on ebay don't get to see payment methods when a buyer purchases from them.


Hopefully your bank has cancelled your card and you have changed your ebay password,and monitoring your emails.


Look to contact ebay here,and inform them of the fraudulent activity from the bottom of this link


"The secret of getting ahead is making a start"
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Fraudulent use of my card after an eBay purchase

Experienced Mentor

If you paid through ebay checkout the seller has no idea how you paid, or any of your payment details.  Only ebay has them.

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