Solar Panels - Listed with outputs impossible for the sizes

Anyone else noticed solar panels being listed with wattage impossible for the sizes, sometimes vastly?


Also I recently bought 2 x 80 watt panels but on looking around other sellers (reputable), the dimensions of panel very similar to their 30 watt panels, not 80 watt.



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Solar Panels - Listed with outputs impossible for the sizes

Hi there, I feel your pain. Just purchased an 800w solar panel kit but when it arrived it has USB connectors, with a jack in middle with alligator clips. It is rated for 800w with 5.78A max, that can't be right you need at least 66A with a 12V to get this. I have 2 300W panels which are way bigger and can only do max 15A each. When trying to test it cannot even get 1A yet until a good sunny day arrived. It cannot even charge my phone as it needs 10w min to charged, and on panel which is hissing as soon as it gets some lights it says 8h to charge. And this is not just those but supplements products when they changed engridients to sell them, but arrived with different useless vitamins. Ebay should do something about these sellers that modifies the same products and lies about them. Exp attached 

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Solar Panels - Listed with outputs impossible for the sizes

Yup, got that t-shirt and burnt fingers-not literally(taught me, more research = happier wallet)


Many moons ago, I queried one seller on their wattage claims of 100w

For a panel the same size as my 10w 'tricklers'

They answered by saying that it was a 'daily' total

(really-maybe in the sahara in the summer, not the UK)

Funnily enough the listing doesn't clarify that.

Don't think there's appropriate report a listing category that covers this scenario


Your right to focus on panel dimensions

There's a decent blog on the renogy website stating 150 to 200 wph per metre square in the UK

My real world results(in scottyland) bear this out(in ideal conditions obz)

(my vague rule of thumb - 1 can get you 2)


if the dimensions don't add up, then the claims(cough, cough) lack veracity


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing
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