Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Hi, seller messaged me after I won a bid saying don't be alarmed but I have the same top I'm listing.  Then said she will post the next working day.  12 days later no item .  I messaged her, she said she's been busy and will send out tomorrow and refund me my postage.  That never happened.  So I messaged her asking for my item or a refund .  The seller informed me she has no money and will go into debt and she hates people , then started swearing at me and  calling me names.  I have reported her to ebay, what will happen? This experience has put me off buying in  ebay. 

Message 1 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Firstly, don't be put off from buying on eBay by this experience, most people are perfectly pleasant to deal with.


You need to open an 'Item not received' dispute to get your money back and escalate after 3 working days if necessary.  Ignore any further messages from the seller.


As for the report you have made any action taken by eBay will depend on the prior conduct of the seller and whether eBay have received any other complaints.  Unfortunately, eBay won't inform you of any action taken. 

Message 2 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

i`ve had this a few times with sellers, not getting my item 10 days after paying and had the old excuses, i`m moving house, been busy etc etc, but what always annoys me more than anything, is only finding out after i message them, rather than them keeping me informed.

So the simple answer to your seller is the same i gave to mine, your issues aren`t my issues, i paid for an item, that now belongs to me and doesn`t entitle you to post it when you feel like it!

So in regards to your issue, if the date has passed for the estimated delivery date, open a case for `not received`. if they don`t deal with it by the date given by ebay, escalate the case when the link appears, `Ask us to step in and help`. if the seller doesn`t provide proof the item has been delivered, you`ll be refunded.

As suggested as well, i`d cease comms with the seller as well, especially with the self-entitled attitude 🙂

Message 3 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Definitely stop communicating with the seller & as advised open a  case as it sounds like you will never see the item or your money otherwise.


You have been unlucky to come across someone like this as it is not the norm.

Message 4 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Seller still swearing at me and calling me *bleep*. Ebay has done nothing to help. 

Message 5 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Just ignore the seller and open a case 


eBay will not do anything unless you open a case


When you open a case they will guarantee to refund you in full


Stop communicating the with seller and open the case! 

Message 6 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Experienced Mentor

Click on the blue button called 'Report an item you didn't receive'  on this eBay guidance page:


After 3 business days you'll see an option to ask eBay to step in, use that and you'll receive a full refund.


In the meantime, just ignore the seller and don't engage with them.

Message 7 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Go to the message, click the 'Action' button and select 'Block this Member'.  This should stop the *bleep' messages.

Then, as other sellers have advised, open a case and escalate.

Message 8 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

If you have not already done so by the time you read this reply do as other people have already advised you on this thread and open an Item Not Received case!  If you do not do this within eBay's thirty day cut-off period then you will not be able to open an eBay case in relation to the transaction.  You will not get any help from eBay whatsoever unless you open a case against the seller, as has already been mentioned earlier on in the thread.


As has already been advised, don't have anything more to do with the seller.  Don't respond to any of the seller's messages and if the seller proves to be obstructive then escalate the case to eBay when the option to do so appears.  That way eBay will force the refund through, regardless of anything the seller may say, in which case you will receive a total refund of the money that you paid the seller for the item.

Message 9 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Thanks, I have now opened a not received case. 

Message 10 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

 A nice last message 


Message 11 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Maybe seller is using ebay for an interest free loan to tide them over to payday. List something, sell it, get the money, no intention of sending it, drag out the refund process, hey presto, interest free loan.

Message 12 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

If you search their sold items, that item has sold 3 times in the space of a month. Maybe they had more than 1 but it looks odd - they sold it again the day after on auction to someone else for a bit less. Maybe they messed up with a duplicate auction listing or are struggling financially and couldn't cover the postage to send it. I wouldn't take it too personally, they must be having a hard time at the moment  

Message 13 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

That's exactly what I thought.  She even sent a message saying enjoy your refund Bit ch, like it's her money.  EBay still have done nothing.  I have managed to block her this morning after yet more messages calling me names.  Madness and she says she doesn't like people 🙄

Message 14 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

If I received a message like that then the seller would most certainly be the recipient of a negative feedback, and I wouldn't consider revising it.


If you click on the 3 dots above More (at the bottom of the message) is there a report link there?


If there isn't, contact eBay and let them know that the seller is swearing at you via eBay messages. 

I’ve found that the easiest route to contact eBay Customer Services is via the link below, you can select to talk with them via live chat or request a call back:




Message 15 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

I have already reported her 2 days ago. I've blocked her but still getting messages calling me essex chav bit ch.  Looks like a have no option but to cancel my eBay account. 

Message 16 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

I realise you are trying to block a seller but this might work. Go to your buyer requirements and make sure the "Don't allow blocked buyers to contact me" and "Apply above settings to active and future listings" options are enabled. Then, click the "Submit" option. I'm pretty sure this option applies to "users" rather than just "buyers".


If you're able to use a PC rather than a mobile device there will be an "Action" menu right at the bottom of their messages.  You can report all their messages selecting "Offensive" as the reason; you can still do this even if you have reported the seller via the main report link. 

Give me ambiguity or give me something else.
Message 17 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Don't cancel your ebay account because of one vile person. Do as @4_bathrooms says. The messages may not stop immediately because you've been in a recent transaction but the block will definitely kick in soon. That said, she'll get bored anyway. Just ignore her, don't respond at all and report every abusive message. Then make sure you leave feedback, link here: Leave Feedback ( Keep it short and factual, something like, "Seller didn't send item and repeatedly swore at me in messages." Don't mention opening an ebay case as that's grounds for removal.


Don't let her drive you away from ebay. Most sellers are not like her.

Message 18 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

Thank you for the following links, hopefully this will put a stop to it.

Message 19 of 21
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Seller never posted and is swearing at me

`Looks like a have no option but to cancel my eBay account. `


Don`t close your account, which takes 6 months anyway, just ignore her, children get bored after a bit and move on to something else, probably picking up her toys 🙂

Message 20 of 21
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